Friday, July 16, 2010

DIVA Dreams Come True

Hello Darlings!

Welcome to the world of dreams come true! I have had a vision in my heart for many years to find a way to bring God's love to the world in a way that reflects my heart and soul authentically. Those who know me already, know that I have always approached any thing I do in life with pizaaz! I demonstrated a tendency to be a DIVA at a very young age. I adore all things bright and beautiful and feminine. I love expressing my creativity through clothes, jewelry, hats, scarves, shoes, and anything that sparkles.

I have always embraced my femininity and believe we women all have an inner DIVA within, that is waiting to be released. We simply need permission. Who better than God to show us that we can shine as "living stones" and bring the beauty of hope and love and kindness wherever we go. Even the virgin Mary expressed "my soul magnifies the Lord!"

So I believe we have a unique mission as women, to magnify all that is feminine to reach souls, and bring them the light of the Lord! DIVA is an acronym for defining who we are as daughters of Christ:


How the Faith Divas Society Began

This dream was born on my 51rst birthday. I had just been diagnosed with breast cancer and started my chemotherapy. I was frightened at what the future held and decided on a lark to throw myself a birthday party (not knowing if it would be my last.) I wanted to "put on the ritz" and go all out. I wanted to pretend I was a carefree little girl again, with not a worry in the world and invite my girlfriends to come play dress-up with me.

I sent out invitations and pulled out all my hats and scarves and boas and necklaces and rings. I asked a neighbor who was a Mary Kay representative to come do makeovers. I contacted the movie theater to arrange service "diva style" by reserving a row in the theater to watch "The Notebook" as a group. We received personal delivery service of popcorn and drinks. I called "The Olive Garden" and planned a cake and ice cream party afterward. They treated us like queens. We each had drawn "diva names" out of the hat at the party and agreed to address each other as divas only.

I even created a swearing in ceremony (similar to the ya-ya sisterhood) with our own personal creed to make our mission one of spreading smiles and doing good deeds to make the world a better place. We had a blast!

I've often thought of that party and the fun we had giving ourselves permission to revel in the joy of femininity! After surviving cancer, I decided to embrace that lifestyle on a daily basis. I find I am able to connect with so many people with my bold fashion statements and courage to live outside the box. It leads to so many wonderful conversations about daring to believe in yourself, in acknowledging our wonderful God, in finding happiness by discovering the rewards of helping people along the way.

Lately, God has opened up opportunities for me to step up my dream another level. He has led me to several people in crisis that I felt could be encouraged with a dose of DIVA faith. I took a leap of faith and donned my glittering DIVA armour and went charging in with bible and hymn book in hand! I prayed, I sang, I anointed, I brought gifts of encouragement and I brought a heart to serve. I had no fear.

I knew I was on path from the joy I felt reaching out to people and marching in with the "sword of the spirit." It lead me to even bolder moves. In the last few weeks I have acted spontaneously when I discovered homeless hungry people. The first incident I prayed for them on the spot but soon realized God wanted me to do more. I was visiting San Diego, California and enthralled with the beautiful city. As we were leaving out of the city one day our route took us through an area where I saw about fifty homeless people lining the sidewalks with their grocery carts. My spirit wept.

The next morning I got up and challenged a group I was with to go with me to McDonalds and buy 50 hamburgers and bring them to the people I saw the day before. The rallied with me and after going to church at "The Rock" we set off on our mission. It was a humbling experience. The hamburgers were gone too quickly. But we got the chance to shake each persons hand. I pulled out my roll on perfume stick and asked each person if they would like to be anointed in the name of Jesus. I told them it was my favorite perfume (tea olive) and that when we were gone they would still be able to remember that God loved them when they smelled the perfume. Every single person let me mark the sign of the cross on their hands.

Then, just a few days ago I discovered another opportunity here at home to help the homeless. I forget how the conversation started at the local UPS store but Mike, who works behind the counter told me that he and some friends were cooking up some casseroles and going to the park square in St. Augustine at 6:30 the next day to feed about a hundred people. Apparently they have been doing this every Wednesday. I decided to join them and invited my friend Helen to go with me. The next day I bought huge bags of popcorn and pretzels from Publix and cheap baggies and baskets and even dog food (yes, there are homeless dogs too)from The Dollar Tree store where everything is a dollar.

I went home and started a production line to bag up individual bags to hand out so they could take them with them and have something to eat in between. WE showed up a little after 6pm and unloaded our baskets of popcorn bags and then circled endlessly to find a parking space. Then after parallel parking (for the first time in decades) we walked over to the pavillion and jumped in to help dip out from the casseroles. Sure enough there were about 100 people in line. People from all walks of life. Some barefoot. Some sunburned. Some in desperate need of a bath. Some with uncombed hair. Some bleary eyed. One man had a dog. He was thrilled to discover the food and biscuits and bowl we brought.

I have been bravely telling more people about my Faith Divas Society idea. I am amazed at the interest and positive responses to my "hair brained" idea. One thing I realized in trying to make some phone calls to food businesses to ask for donations - their is policy and procedure to follow - but the help is available. I have found my niche! Here is where my corporate activities director and event planning experience comes in! I know exactly how to play the corporate game and get the help needed there.

I may just go ahead and make an application to pursue turning The Divas Faith Society into a non-profit corporation. Meanwhile, I had an interesting talk with my neighbor Steve who works for The First Baptist Church and has a prison ministry going at Raiford, Florida. I asked if there was an area I coud be useful and he suggested getting involved with visiting the female prisoners in the infirmary there. We'll see what God has planned there.

I've decided to open up my home for meetings and get The Faith Divas Society rolling. I am looking for a few good women to join me in my quest to spread the light of the Lord in a sparkling way! I'll keep you posted on details. If you are interested in learning more please contact me. Dare to step out and discover your own DIVA power from within!

I wish you all a HEAVENLY day! Remember to "do it victoriously always!"
